歡迎大家瀏覽我寶貝女萱萱的blog, 有好多萱萱的靚相同短片架!請慢慢欣賞... 可萱可點: (173) Dancing Hayley
在2005年11月26日,我們的寶貝女終於出世啦!重3.15公斤,樣子與老公有九成相似,名字是黎懿萱(萱萱)。寶貝女出世後,我們的願望只有一個---希望女女快高長大,身體健康!有沒有聽過陳奕迅的{大個女}?那首歌正是我們的心聲...○○最重要心記得要開 來競技角力賽 最終不管輸贏都 一般可愛 Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

星期三, 9月 12, 2007

(173) Dancing Hayley

萱萱近來好喜歡跳舞, 大家睇下佢跳得好唔好?

6 則留言:

不再thin的阿thiN... 說...

勁得意!!!!!! :D

萱萱媽媽 說...

哈哈! 多謝你呀....

匿名 說...


匿名 說...

Hi Sherman, I'm Barron's Mother ar. Your daughter is so lovely and cute. Barron still can't jump lor....How's school for Hayley? Which kinder wil you apply for K1? I wish Barron and Hayley can be friends till they grow up lor ,that would be cute and sweet.

萱萱媽媽 說...

Hi, Karen,
Thanks for your message!
Barron is very smart and handsome. Hayley seems don't like to go to school cos her want to stay with my helper all the time, it seems difficult to have separation in the month.
K1, still thinking about that, but I know some kindergarten start the enrollment in Sep e.g. Victoria, Cannan, York...Let's discuss by phone.

jaztamama 說...
